More gifts

And the list goes on...

6. light in my pastor's eyes
7. a chorus of believers
8. sun streaming
9. birds chirping
10. dogs wrestling in the front yard
11. the alarm clock
12. scripture in my pocket
13. waterfalls
14. sitting in my spot on the couch
15. steam rising off the plate at dinner prayers
16. stories of praise!
17. the smell of onion and garlic sauteeing
18. kids making scienfic predictions (unexpectedly)
19. kids loving books read aloud
20. feet walking while I pray
21. kids seeing there reflection
22. laugher
23. a noisy house
24. chaos in the gym
25. smiles on their faces
26. on your mark, get set, go
27. children calling, "Mrs. Lilley!"
28. divine energy
29. a student walking in her walker
30. perfectly timed help
31. second hands
32. stories of praise of my kids
33. chacos and ice cream in january

I have loved making this list. It constantly is forcing me to s   l   o   w   down and ask, "In this moment, regardless of my feelings, what I am thankful for?" Things I am normally not thankful for, I realize... I should be.

Ugh... the alarm clock... NO, I have awaken another day to LIVE!!

I just want to be warm inside... no I LOVE watching my dogs wrestle in the yard. Look at them go!

It's so crazy in the gym... just LOOK at all the smiles and LISTEN to all the laugher!

What do I need to do next after dinner?... STOP, just SMELL the incredible garlic and onion and savor the moment.

It's amazing really. I have so much to be thankful for.


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