And the beat goes on

I am not sure I will be able to keep up with the number of gifts that I write down... this may be too much. And yet as I read over them right this very moment before typing them out, I smile. I remember. This is why I write them down- to remember. So typing them again is just another beautiful way for me to remember and reflect. 

Should I leave each one a mystery or tell the stories? I believe I will indeed tell some stories :)

33. chacos and ice cream in January
34. crinkly eyes
35. waking up to rain
36. laughter and stories at the dinner table
We reach day 10 at school after break. We're still in tact- mostly. I bring my sewing machine to make a simple "quilt top" for the letter Q. The children are entranced. I love the feel of the fabric as it slides under the foot. I love the conversation that ensures among myself and my assistants about memories of mother's sewing while growing up- remembering handmade dresses and outdated outfits. I love my job. I count the gifts:
37. the hum of the sewing machine
38. delighted eyes
39. colorful quilts
40. smooth days
41. bursts of energy
42. pregnant ladies
43. the smell of fraiser fir
It rains for days. I feel my spirits turning the color of the skies- my heart navigating mood swings like I navigate the soggy earth's puddles. While on a walk with the pups- I glance up to count gifts and I notice something beautiful:
44. beads of water clinging to the tree limbs
45. the thump-thump driving over a bridge
46. Dog nails tapping the floor as they walk
47. an elbow in my side
48 many whispered prayers 
49. A capella worship
50. warm breath
51. morning prayers
I wake up after some weird dreams- caught off guard by them. I tell them to Aaron. He brings truth and forgives. In the morning I shower and wash it way.
52. hot showers that wash away dirt and grime
53. grace that washes away dirt and grime
Later, we talk to marriage and love. And I realize how blessed I am and how I fall in love more deeply each day with my wonderful husband. There is no one else like him. There is no one else like Him.
54. blessing children
55. kneeling
57. tight hugs
58. husband speaking blessing over me and my day
59. cool breeze coming through the window
60. tires kicking up water on our driveway signaling someone is home!
61. dogs getting excited at Aaron's arrival
62. Pee in your pants laughter
63. robot dance
64. puffs of breath in the cold, rainy air
At house church Wednesday night, Jordan shares that she feels God calling us as a body to pray constantly and consistently for the brokenness and darkness in our surrounding counties. In silence and aloud we pray and petition to a God who hears us and He breaks my heart so suddenly for the children in my classroom. I am so humbled. I count the blessings:
65. humbling prayers
66. stories of praise and friends memorizing scripture
67. quiet moments
68. reclaiming love
69. Tates at house church :)
70. heart bears, ticking clocks, and falling rain
71. grace and mercy
72. listening
73. transparency
74. fighting for loving
75. sunlight reflecting in puddles
76. a collective Amen
77. loud laughter
78. volunteer drivers
79. the sun! the sun! the sun!
80. rushing streams
81. ice crystals
82. the rustling of bible pages
83. gurgling stomachs during prayer. 

I am reminded of a passage in One Thousand Gifts in which Ann says that counting gifts is like keeping time in music. If you stop counting the beats when you play music, you lose the song, lose the melody. As you practice, over time it comes so naturally. The music seems in you and you play effortlessly. When we stop counting gifts, we lose the music of praise and joy of the Lord. As I continue to count gifts, I can feel it become more natural to thank Him and as a result love Him. May it continue.


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