On sabbathing and first Fridays

The sun is streaming in the windows. The dogs are playing next to me. I am drinking a delicious strawberry ale. I've got my new trendy glasses on. It is Friday afternoon of my first week of school and I, by miracle of miracles, have energy to spare.

And yet, it is both a miracle and the product of a string of conscious decisions.

We have grandly titled this year our "Year of Sabbath." We have purposely said no to things, stepped down from things, and thankfully finished some things- like being Teacher of the Year and Aaron's grad school. Some weights feel lifted.

So I went to work each day and  I came home each day and I loved loved each day. Wednesday, we filled our house with about 22 people and we ate around a table, laughed, shared stories, and prayed to our good, good Father. Thursday, a dear friend who has moved away came over for dessert and we shared about life. We say "yes" to people, to rest, to a peace filled home, to abundant room for time with God.

Usually the first week of school is filled with stress and long days and by Friday I can barely stand up and I just want to watch tv and go to bed at 7:00. I am amazed that I have energy to spare. So while Aaron is mountain biking away on his Friday evening, I will type away to remember why we are sabbathing.

It is good for the soul.

I don't feel like too much has changed and yet, many things have. They seem subtle, but they were hard decisions. But suddenly today I saw a piece of the puzzle and how giving things up purposely has led us to this spacious place.

My body is also happier. I went to physical therapy today and had a fairly good report. I am now going to go every two weeks and take it slow. I have given up worrying too much about my feet. I can't control it. I also don't have the emotional capacity to stress about it. Whatever happens, happens. At least- that is how I feel right now. Check back tomorrow to see if I still feel that way though :)

Peace and rest to you! Happy Friday!


  1. "Whatever happens. happens" - great words! I see that you had a wonderfull year. I can feel your emotions reading the text. You can be good in writing a creative brief. Here are great tips on how to write creative brief if you need it. Hope you will continue sharing your thoughts with the audience and will never give up. Stay possitive!


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