Book Love

This is a quote from a book on tape (well CD, but I guess I still want to call it "book on tape") that Aaron and I just finished on our long car trip. When I picked it out from the library I had no idea that it was going to be a book about healing, miracles, slavery, segregation, kidnapping, Jesus, faith, and humility. I loved it way more than I thought I would. So much so that I rewinded to listen to one quote over and over so I could write it down. I would highly recommend this book.

“There was a blessed time when miracles were something not far outside the norm, exceptions to the rules, holy, unexpected. Before Pilotville, he had expected to find persimmons when he asked for them and resurrected blackbirds and believers voices folded together as if one. Before Pilotville he had known no miracles just the constant ways God showed his love which of course were not miracles at all for they were with him everyday- invisible because they were so much in evidence. Then someone spoke that word miracle and it entered his foolish head to ask for what he already had. And miracles had seemed to come and in his hard of hearts he saw them as an outgrowth of his faith-which of course was the very death of miracles. Because he had found the surest way to lose a miracle was to hold it in your hand.”
                         River Rising by Athol Dickson

I also just finished Bailout Over Normandy by Ted Fahrenwald- who is apparently a second cousin once removed which I'm not even sure what that means. Anyhow, it is actually a very interesting story of his accounts as a flyboy during WWII when he had to bailout of his plane and land in occupied France. I am not normally one for war books so it took a while to get used to the lingo (and the amount of alcohol he consumed!), but once I did, it was fascinating. 


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