Note to self.

Dear Kimberly,

I am writing you this little note so you remember how you feel about camping. In general, you enjoy most of camping. However, I need you to remember how you feel about the different types of camping so that your expectations are not too grand the next time you go. The two types of camping are car camping and backpacking (at least in your realm of camping... RVs have not entered the picture yet). This way whichever type of camping you choose you will be fully prepared and love them both.

First, there is car camping, which you just did this past weekend to celebrate your 2nd year anniversary at Paris Mountain. Your anniversary is on a holiday weekend. Memorial Weekend, to be exact. It is quite lovely weather at the end of May and it's a three day weekend and therefore, there are LOTS of people at any campground you may go to. Therefore, it may not be as secluded and romantic as you would like. However, the pros of the car camping are as follows:

  1. You may have alcohol (well at most campground...). You probably don't want to lug a bottle of beer into the woods several miles if backpacking. Glass is not lightweight. 
  2. You can cook much better food- meats, hobo dinners, baked beans, corn on the cob, zucchini, crescent rolls, pizza rolls, and the list goes on (is your mouth watering yet?). You can also bring a cooler.
  3. There are flushing toilets- no need to dig holes, squat uncomfortably, or lug a roll of toilet paper around. And there may be showers.
  4. There is running water. It is easy to clean dishes and refill your water bottle.
  5. You can bring those comfortable camping chairs.
  6. You can bring regular fire wood and you don't have to walk all over the woods lugging back big ol' logs.
  7. You could still have cell phone service (this could go on the con list though too).

But don't get too excited because... this past weekend, there were also people playing awful keltic music while you tried to nap in your hammock, a sewage leak that ran into your camp site so you had to move to another one, lots of cars driving by, babies crying, kids on bikes and razors, and even kiddos climbing the bathhouse and throwing basketballs over it.

So, on to backpacking. Well, I must say that after car camping this weekend backpacking looks quite wonderful. But alas, you are just thinking the grass is greener on the other side (well it may be... but it also depends on the time of year you go). Anyhow, you also really do enjoy backpacking, but you're probably not as hardcore as you would like to be, but you are still somewhat hardcore, so let me tell you about it.
The pros of backpacking:

  1. The silence, the peace. It's just you and God and the crickets. 
  2. You can see all the stars. There are no bathhouse lights do take away from the beauty.
  3. Being away from all civilization- no phones, no cars, no nothing. The only music is your bad singing or the birds chirping.
  4. That awesome feeling you get from realizing you just trekked all you need for a couple days in 2 miles on your frickin' back. 

Again, don't get too excited because, your back and feet hurt from all that hiking and you are quite tired. And of course, if it rains- well, there's no where to go to dry off or take refuge. Also, I should probably say it again to emphasize it... that awesome feeling you get from lugging all that stuff in usually is there in the first 15 minutes of your hike in (when you're not tired yet and you are still overly optimistic about the whole experience) and for about 5 minutes after you reach your destination. It wears off when you have to get back on your feet and go look for firewood. But don't be disheartened by the 7 pros of car camping and the 4 pros of backpacking, you do LOVE the silence and the cricket and the closeness to God you feel out in those mountains. Those could make up 3 more pros right there.

Well, Kim, I think that sums things up. You do love camping, however it is important to remember the pros and cons of both you so don't have unrealistic expectations. That's important to remember in all aspects of your life. And in all things you are learning to do whatever you do to the glory of God, who made all the stars and the trees and the kids on bikes and the old men and their keltic music. Happy camping!



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