Missing you

Dear husband,

I decided to look though several books I made for us when we got married of our dating years. All 4 and a half of them. I was stunned looking through them as I so easily forget how blessed I am by your love and how faithful God is.

I flipped through page after page of handwritten letters starting our freshman year of college. Our letters span 10 different addresses and 3 states. That doesn't include the post cards from New Orleans or Florida. These notes are tenderly crafted on everything from graph paper to lined paper, to computer paper, to post-it notes, to coloring sheets. There's the license we got to go fising in Ellijay, the ticket stub to our first movie, that birthday card that I found in Russian and held onto for several months, the description of our angel tree child from 2007, that fake parking ticket you left on my car with a fine of a date to Dupont State Park, and a map of several different parks. There is birthday after birthday of handmade and bought cards with silly hand drawn figures- one with curly red hair and one with a scraggly beard. We've written in crayon, ink, and colored pencils. There are brochures of places we've been and plays we've attended- the Greenville Zoo, Relish, The Botanical Gardens, A Midnight Summer's Dream. There are song lyrics and poems and fortune cookie sayings. There are detailed descriptions of mundane days and busy days both filled with yearning to be together again. There are smily faces, notes in the margins, and doodles on the side. You've addressed me as everything from Beautiful, to my redheaded maiden, to tigerlilley, to bride-to-be.

When I look back at these memories, I fall in love all over again- every time. Thank you for always reminding me of God's love. Our letters are like the Bible. When I read His word, I fall in love all over again with the God of the Universe.

I love you. I can't wait to see you tomorrow evening. Twelve days is much to long indeed.

Love, your wife


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