On my way to you

This post may make me cry- I should get the tissues ready just in case. I arrived home at our little home, turned on the christmas tree lights which I love so dearly, unloaded the groceries, got into my jammies (yes it's 6:30pm), wished Morgan and Sam fun adventures on their date, and hunkered down with my computer for a quiet night in- alone. Aaron is in California for a business trip and he has left on his birthday. Although, I will say I don't mind that he left behind a very nice size of leftover birthday cake. However I can not make any promises about it lasting until his return on Thursday.

So aside from that, I thought it would be a nice time to post here since it's been a while. I had this great idea of doing some advent "series" of posts... but I missed the first day of advent already. Good thing I have no formal expectations for this blog. "Series" are I suppose for the hardcore and committed bloggers. But I will still write about advent today.

I LOVE advent. I mean love. Most people don't know a lot about advent or the meaning of the candles in the advent wreath. Three years ago my church in Athens did a women's retreat in November and called it an "Advent Retreat" in which we learned about advent and prepared our hearts for the season. I love traditions. My family has lots of wonderful traditions and I look forward to instilling a love of advent in my children's hearts though new traditions mixed with many of our old ones- so beautiful.

This first week, the candle of HOPE is lit on Sunday and if a person/ family desires, each night during dinner. Advent is a season of longing, preparation, expectation, and joy. It is a time in which we reflect on the promises in the Old Testament and stand amazed at how they each came true through Christ. It is also a time to look forward to the second coming or Christ.

I  hadn't realized how much I would learn about advent through Aaron's departure. I forget what it's like to long for someone. I take for granted seeing Aaron each night and forget the hardship of four years at different colleges.

I remember now.

I remember watching the clock roll around to 4 or 5 o'clock on Sunday afternoon.
I remember trying to con you into staying a few minutes longer.
I remember holding you so tight as we stood in the parking lot at the car door.
I remember breathing in your scent.
I remember trying to hold back tears as I said, "I love you."
I remember you saying that you'd see me again in a few weeks.
I remember waving goodbye as we parted.
I remember writing letters each week.
I remember late night calls recounting details from our day.
I remember counting down the days until I could see you again.
I remember the joy of getting in my car and flying down the highway knowing I was
           on my way to you.
Is that how the disciples felt?
Did they cry as Jesus told them He was leaving?
Did they wrap their arms around Him and hold on tight?
Did they whisper "I love you" through blurry eyes?
Did they believe Him when he said He would return?
Did they feel joy when he rose again and promised them all authority under heaven and on earth?
Do I feel joy knowing I am
          on my way to Him?

Oh Jesus, the One who loves me more than any human ever could is coming for me. He is coming to take me home into his loving arms forever. I can't wait until I see Him face to face. It will be lovely. It will be freeing. There will be singing and dancing. 
         It is in this hope I live, in this hope I rejoice. 
         Jesus is my hope of glory. 


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