Weekly Nutshells
Nutshells and praises:
1. WE GOT iPADS! NOT JUST ONE, BUT TWO! Moral of the story, ask, ask, ask, and you shall recieve. Back in April, I applied through our district for a grant for 2 iPads. We got turned down and I thought, "Really? A special needs class? We could use it more than anyone." But since we only asked for 2 and most classroom teachers asked for 8-10, they decided to buy us 2 to keep permanently in our classroom... way better! I am so pumped up! It is going to be amazing for my students.
2. I laughed alot this week. I love my assistants.
3. One of my students has had a lightbulb come on this week. He is non-verbal and struggles auditorally to listen and answer questions. All of a sudden this week he has been answering questions during our ELA time by touching the right answer on the smartboard. He has been "singing" with us during calendar as well- he does talk a little, but only says the first syllable of words... and that only started last year! And he started understanding how to tell time and identify coins. Things we've been for working on for a while!!
4. My students make me laugh alot. We were talking about things that make us unique and made these "All about me" booklets to help them remember their personal info. We were making a graph of what color hair each student has. I went up to one child and said, "What color hair do you have?" He didn't answer so I ruffled his hair and asked again. He looked and me, smiled mischeviously, and before I could do anything about it, he ruffled my hair! Everyone burst our laughing due to my shocked look followed by insane laughter.
5. did I mention? WE GOT iPADS!
6. I ordered some books for our next ELA units and they came in this week. New books are beautiful. They won't last long until my little student hands get ahold of them :) I love kids books. I can't wait to have a beautiful collection of my favorite kid books in my home one day for our little ones to come.
"For I will create a new heaven and a new earth;
the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.
Then be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating;
for I will created Jerusalem to be a joy, and it's people a delight."
-Isaiah 65:8
I am remembering to rejoice in what the Lord is creating. Life is a process. Being transformed is a process. "Kingdom come" is a process.
1. WE GOT iPADS! NOT JUST ONE, BUT TWO! Moral of the story, ask, ask, ask, and you shall recieve. Back in April, I applied through our district for a grant for 2 iPads. We got turned down and I thought, "Really? A special needs class? We could use it more than anyone." But since we only asked for 2 and most classroom teachers asked for 8-10, they decided to buy us 2 to keep permanently in our classroom... way better! I am so pumped up! It is going to be amazing for my students.
2. I laughed alot this week. I love my assistants.
3. One of my students has had a lightbulb come on this week. He is non-verbal and struggles auditorally to listen and answer questions. All of a sudden this week he has been answering questions during our ELA time by touching the right answer on the smartboard. He has been "singing" with us during calendar as well- he does talk a little, but only says the first syllable of words... and that only started last year! And he started understanding how to tell time and identify coins. Things we've been for working on for a while!!
4. My students make me laugh alot. We were talking about things that make us unique and made these "All about me" booklets to help them remember their personal info. We were making a graph of what color hair each student has. I went up to one child and said, "What color hair do you have?" He didn't answer so I ruffled his hair and asked again. He looked and me, smiled mischeviously, and before I could do anything about it, he ruffled my hair! Everyone burst our laughing due to my shocked look followed by insane laughter.
5. did I mention? WE GOT iPADS!
6. I ordered some books for our next ELA units and they came in this week. New books are beautiful. They won't last long until my little student hands get ahold of them :) I love kids books. I can't wait to have a beautiful collection of my favorite kid books in my home one day for our little ones to come.
"For I will create a new heaven and a new earth;
the past events will not be remembered or come to mind.
Then be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating;
for I will created Jerusalem to be a joy, and it's people a delight."
-Isaiah 65:8
I am remembering to rejoice in what the Lord is creating. Life is a process. Being transformed is a process. "Kingdom come" is a process.
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