So blessed

I am so blessed to be working where I am. I don't think I realize how good it is. As a first year teacher, to find such unity, laughter, passion, and drive at a Title 1 school in a small, Southern town in practically unheard of I am sure.

Today we had our end of year staff luncheon. I was amazed by the love and unity at our school. I have heard stories or how far we have come and so I can only share in part of the understanding, but it was nonetheless beautiful to experience. We are sending off our principal of 2 years who apparently has moved mountains at our school. We also sent off 2 retirees. There are also 4 other teachers currently moving to other districts. Several things charcterized the celebration and one was laughter. There were stories told as people "roasted" the retirees. There was laughter as our principal gave parting words to each department/ grade level. The way in which people know each other and encourage one another is inspiring. People shared stories I had not yet heard. It makes me wish I had chances to interact with people outside of the special ed department more often because I don't get to know every teacher, but I have gotten to know the passionate people in my department and for that I am grateful.

Not only was there laughter, but there were tears. Tears of joy as we celebrate the accomplishments of teachers and students at our school. They are also bittersweet tears. As we leave a year of certainty, we enter a year of uncertainty with a new principal and several new teachers. Unfortunately, it is easier to have negative attitudes rather than positive ones. After a mountain top experience with our principal there are many fears about what next year will bring. One teacher said it well when he said that we have come along way and know where we can go and if we want to continue we need to "give him [the new principal] a chance."

These are life lessons though, not just school lessons. Lessons in leadership, unity, change, and restoration. I see Jesus at school everyday. Sometimes I close my eyes to him, but He's there. When Paul talks about all members of the body working together as one in 1 Corinthians, that's not just good advice for the church, it is life-giving and sustaining truth for all groups of people.


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