Here's to blogging

So I have played around with the idea of starting a blog for a little while. But I didn't think I had anything interesting to blog about... there's already lots of great blogs with clever crafts, delicious food, cute married people, house renovations, sewing projects, and pretty photographs. I am not on an out-of-the-country mission trip, I am not having a baby, I am not going through a particularly difficult trials, I am not a great writer. What do I possibly have to add? Well, nothing, I still have not had a great epiphany of what I can add in my posts. (Side note: writing about my classroom would be hilarious/ moving/ inspiring all at the same time, but alas, I cannot write many of those stories down due to privacy, but never the less, if I have an encouraging story or craft or thought that I can share from my classroom, it will be in here.) But I did realize today, it doesn't matter if I have something worthy to say. In fact, on my own I have nothing worthy to say, but through the Lord, we all have something worth to say, we are all worthy, we are all righteous. So, I decided to start a blog.

There are no rules or expectations I have. There is no theme to my blog. I may write once a day, once a week, once a month. I may have 1, 2, or 50 people who read it (mom and dad, I know I'll have 2 readers).  

I do thought want to share why I choose this title for my blog "Lilley of the field." Something that I really struggle with is trusting the Lord and not being anxious. One of my favorite passages is from Matthew 6. Jesus is saying not to worry about what we eat, drink, or wear, our Heavenly Father knows what we need. He tells us to "Learn how the lilies of the field grow: they do not labor or spin thread... If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, won't he do much more for you-you of little faith?" That is me. Me of little faith. Also, and I am sure not by coincidence, I married a wonderful man a year ago with the last name "Lilley." I am a Lilley- a flower in God's garden. Our Father is the great gardener. I don't have to do anything, but let his grace and light fill me and guide me. He prunes. He waters. He brings sunlight. He pulls the weeds. He takes care of me because He loves me. He loved me long before I loved or knew Him. Then Jesus says, "But seek first the kingdom of righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore, don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." I am learning to trust Him, to live in the present, and to seek his kingdom first. I am still learning what that even means.

So, here's to starting a blog and resting in the peace that I write for my Father in Heaven and all else is a bonus!


  1. Wonderful first post! My daughter, the blogger, who knew?!! Yes, your Dad and I will surely read each and every one so you will have at least 2 readers!! ;) I will send the link to Nana if I can for her to read and help her through this difficult time. I love you dear Kimberly, big hugs from Mom

  2. One more reader!! I am excited to hear about your life! Love you friend! Excited to see you soon!


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