Author of our faith

So this is a funny post to write after just posting my "summer book review," but maybe it's also quite fitting.

I am taking a break from books.

Weird I know. I love books. They haven't really ever been an issue, but the last book I read and the book I'm reading now keep getting me tense and anxious in my body as I open the pages and enter the story. I've read I think about 10 books in the past month. It takes me about 2 or 3 days to finish a book because I get so into I can't put it down. Now that's happened with other books in the past and it wasn't a problem. Like the Hunger Games in which I demolished all 3 in one week. I realize I am entering the story too much... if that makes sense. When I am reading it's harder to separate my feeling from the book and reality. If I get really sad or spooked because of something I am reading, I have been finding it harder to snap out of that emotion. I have been finding myself thinking how I would put my life in a story, things I wished happened or didn't happen and how they'd play out. While that's not inherently bad by any means, for some reason I just have this feeling that I need to take a break.

Also, while I love books and will get reading sometime soon I am sure, I am learning to be careful of what I read. What I fill my mind with. The past few books I've read did not have very uplifting endings. I am not saying we only need to read C.S. Lewis or Francine Rivers books- there are extremely good quality books that are not by "Christian" authors- but that we should just watch our hearts. Or at least I need to watch mine when I read books :)

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sign that so easily entangles us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keep our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scoring it's shame and sat down at the right hand of God."
-Hebrews 12: 1-4


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