For you.
Today, I had the honor of serving communion for the first time at our church. I have served it before at camp to campers, but not in a sunday morning church service setting. It was so sacred, powerful, and holy. I just kept saying it: This is the body of Christ broken for you. This is the body of Christ broken for you. This is the body of Christ broken for you. This is the body of Christ broken for you. This is the body of Christ broken for you. This is the body of Christ broken for you. And all of a sudden I was so overwhelmed by what I was saying and what that meant for myself and each person who I was saying it to that tears came. Beautiful, joy-filled tears. Afterward I thought of all the things God does for us. This is the sun, risen for you. These are the stars that shine for you. These are the mountains carved for you. These are the trees to bring shade for you. This is the moon to light the darkness for you. These are the flowers to bring joy for you. This is...