On love and marriage
When my sister graduated high school and was preparing for college I wrote her a long letter of things I had learned my first few years of college and encouragement of truths to remember. Well, now she has reached another milestone of being engaged and so I thought I'd write another letter about that process. I would like to share a piece of what I wrote and pray it is an encouragement for many! Some people paint marriage to be all rainbows and butterflies and others like to keep reminding you how hard it’s going to be- which I'm sure both do out of good intentions. I like to try in genuine conversations with people to be real about the joys and the trials. Because it is hard, but you only work hard at something you love and care about. It is hard work unifying two people who simply have different goals, passions, desires, dreams, and personalities and then toss in the mix how we are all sinful, selfish people! But the best thing about marriage is foun...