
Showing posts from June, 2016

On laughable things

laugh·a·ble ˈlafəb(ə)l/ adjective so ludicrous as to be amusing - - - - - Five years. I drove away from school with our school sign in my review mirror and just like that, this girl has five years of teaching under her belt. It's almost laughable when I remember my very first day of school five years ago driving home with that same school sign behind sobbing and deciding how I would tell my principal I was quitting. I simply couldn't do it. Simply didn't have it in me. That's especially laughable when I consider that two years ago, I was chosen for District Teacher of the Year. Five years. We drove away from the mountains this past weekend with the Lilley's cabin in our review mirror and just like that, this boy and girl have five years of marriage under their belt. Aaron's parents bought that cabin shortly after we started dating and I remember my first time there hauling rocks to line the driveway. Secretly, I hoped that ...