Deja vu and trust

We awoke to a thick, glorious blanket of snow on the ground this Thursday morning. Knowing school was already cancelled, I proceeded to make a delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast because while everyone was picking up milk and bread at the store yesterday before the storm, what was I getting? Bacon. Snow storms call for it. While eating breakfast, the sun cracked open the morning spilling sparkling light all over the white lawn. It was calling my name. Walking in the snow by myself is like entering this glorious secret that very few know about. Just me and God out there. Except of course it was me, God, Clark, our new dog, and Luna, our old dog. I have since forgiven our new dog for making me chase him into our neighbors yard and break my finger last week. I have since then also gotten creative at accomplishing many mundane, daily tasks. One being walking the dogs. I double Clark's leash and loop it around my right elbow. Then I put the end of Luna's leash ...