When your heart sings.
So I've had this inner dilemma for a while now about this blog. I love to write, but I just have so much trouble now feeling freedom to write anything here. It's not because that many people read it necessarily, it's just that people can and do once in a while and well.... I'm just conscious of that. I once would post my blogs on Facebook, but some of my world's are colliding too much there for me to want to post things so personal and vulnerable. I have a blog to write stories and to be vulnerable and to encourage others and I don't want to stray from that. So I've thought about if I should keep this space, just write like every 2 months like I am doing or turn the focus to something more specific. But everything I think about something different, it just doesn't make my heart sing. For instance: A Teaching Blog- Sure I could post pictures of my classroom and cute things we're doing, but I don't really want to do that and there are plen...