Nostalgic Halloween.
I have nothing profound to say here tonight. Only that I am on to the sneaky middle schoolers who trick- or-treated last year and took all our candy we left out. So last year, Aaron and I weren't home on Halloween but it was our first Halloween in this cute neighbor and we wanted to be good neighbors so we set a bowl full of candy out, a little sign, and left the light on. We returned to find 1 piece left in the bowl. We wondered then.... did we have lots of kids come by or just one greedy bunch of middle schoolers? Well now I know! This halloween I bought not just one, but TWO bags of candy because I didn't want to run out. You know how many twirling princesses, stringy-haired, bad make-up witches, bright-eyed plump pumpkins, and over zealous bad-masked ghouls we had? Zero. That's right. Sad, lonely, quiet, plastic-pumpkin-still-full-and-untouched ZERO. And I actually feel sad. For some reason Halloween makes me nostalgic. My parents had this little rug thing that ha...