
Showing posts from September, 2012

Slow it down

              I am learning about being slow. I have noticed a pattern in myself where I just rush. I try to maximize all time,= by doing everything quickly. I try sleep as late as I can in the morning, but when I get up I rush. I rush to make lunch, eat breakfast, read a few verses, and run out the door. I don't budget time for  conversations with Aaron or any mishaps. I rush and I mean RUSH alot at school. It just feels like there are so few hours to do what I want and it takes so long to do hygiene stuff, that I rush through it so we can do activities. Even during working with children I try to do things quickly so we can get as many goals worked on rather than focusing on one.               Last week I wrote about learning to eliminate things. I am eliminating to do things well. I don't want to rush. When I am rushed, my attitude is completely different. I don't enjoy what I am doing. I am trying to get it d...

Weekly Nutshells

Oh my. So much has happened this week I am not even sure where to start. So I will start with little things, because it was such a CRAZY week. So here is my week in a few nutshells. We figured out a new and great routine for changing students (yes... when I say change I mean diapers). Now it doesn't take up so much time... although it does take more time than I would like, but I have to work with what we have! I laughed alot again. I mean like pee my pants laughing, rolling around on the floor. Not kidding.  Ripped my pants. One of my assistants said, "I'm not trying to look, but I think you've got a hole in your pants." Sure enough, right there in the behind was a little hole wearing through my pants. I am quite sad because it's my only pair of khakis and I only have 3 pants I can wear to school. I just rotate until I do the wash. I think a trip to Anderson is in store for me this week (no pun intended... "in store" :)) One of my students is ...

Kindess and a chocolate milkshake

I have had a song stuck in my head the past few days and the fun thing about it is that it is a song a friend wrote! The end of her song lists the fruits of the spirit and says, "These are the things that will define our family." Those lines have been playing in my head. I've been meditating a little on some of those fruits of the Spirit that aren't talked about much- like kindness and gentleness- and thinking about how they define my family (being Aaron and I) or even define myself. What defines me? On the whole, I'd like to say, "My faith in Christ," but sometimes that can seem abstract. But the fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control- those are so tangible it seems. And although they are each similar, they are each different in their own way. Kindness. I experienced that in such a simple beautiful way today. I was a little down at school today. Actually, quite discouraged. I have 11...